These people have a long military indoctrination that prepares them to believe anything ‘bad’ that their ‘world enemy’ could be doing according to their misinformation channels.. Hopefully their peers read and learn from MrAlexander..

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Thanks, Fergie, for sharing. I will do the same.

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There are a small number of non-Russian speaking foreigners in the DPR and LPR forces. According to posts in French and Russian on Telegram, a French Medic in the DPR was captured, tortured and murdered last month by Ukrainian troops. An Irish fellow in the LPR militia, a former member of the French Foreign Legion was KIA in April. Most of the volunteers fought for the republics in the 2014-2015 phase of the civil war and returned when Russia's intervention began. All foreign volunteers in the republican forces know that if they get caught by Ukrainian Forces they will be tortured and executed without question, so they don't get caught. Russell for one would be subject to the most horrible death imaginable. So in comparison, these lads are getting well treated and I'll be surprised if any stand in front of a firing squad.

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Hell I knew that just for *reporting* from another side, one step into UA turf would mean certain death for me.

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sobering - thanks

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On CNN tonight, Mr. Drueke said, “ I have no regrets going ”. Please ask him to explain his statement. In your original report, he said he regretted going there and described it “only as a civil war “ and people were going about their lives in a normal way. Is the media dishonest with the American people? Is Russia not waging an outrageous war on the Ukrainian people? What proof does he have for his previous statements? Please provide it. Our American $ are being sent to help stop Putin. If this is not the true motive, let us know what is factual.

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